do u desire an

Innovative Perspective

* imagine a peer well-being specialist brought to U everyday *

nature heals & the arts transcend

if ur life & lifestyle needs to be infused with:

wit with realism

artistic flair

avant-garde perspective

& advanced healing inSight

The Art in Well-Being as Remedy

onLine Storytelling & Courses | learn about life lived in complete awe of probability

* Handwritten & Typed Originals of Edie B's Well-Being Journey - conveyed with humorist verve and intimate inSight

* 35 years of vibrational evolution journaling-thoughts-concepts centered in living life w/ Ovaries Out

* Inspiration from Nature, internal infernos, a sense of humor, heart-breaking devastations AND perseverance of Spirit

* Edie's Teaching Curriculum | greater inSight into Holistic Well-Being Concepts in Action - Q&A Style

enJoy this personal Invitation to explore the Golden Gems of Edie's Teaching

may we be well & brilliant

have a gander | scroll through - watch - hear - select ur course - purchase in glee


onLine Courses

  • Tales of Life Lived Cavalierly thru the Seasons of Elevating Consciousness
  • a real-time and lifetime access to recorded Teaching Experiences with Edie
  • Discover why Miracles still occur Today and how TranscenDance from Shit Storms can, did & does Happen
  • a keepsake Reference for understanding the multi-faceted Processes of Life & how Grace fits in
  • Read, Listen, Learn, Smell & Thank the Wisdom of Divine Creation!

reDesigning Life | #1 online Course

the TranscenDance of Lingering Complex Trauma & Heavy Issues

what you will receive...

* Rototilling your Shit e-book & PDF (a TranscenDance)

* Edie Teaching the Curriculum - Q&A and Talk Style

* a reserved seat to the Live Monthly Three Question Q&A Group Discussion - optional purchase

* Access to Edie's curated Aligned Products for optimal ally support

#1 course curriculum...

is expressed in 3 complementary focus areas with learning objectives that open up new possibilities for your life

Focus 1 - Introduction

the advanced vibrationals that can enhance your energy flow and balance.

sacred geometry & structured water harmonizes your body, mind, and spirit.

Focus 2 - The Heart (1&2)

the importance of cleansing your physical and finer bodies from toxins, stress, and negative emotions.

explore how to cultivate a heart-centered desire to change your life for the better.

Focus 3 - Flowers that Heal

the healing power of grace, trust, and spirituality.

connect with the soul of nature and the live flower frequencies that can support your healing journey.

at the end of each module, you have the opportunity to answer questions for reflection.

Here are some examples of questions:

- What are some benefits of cleansing your wholebodies from the heart?

- How can you develop radical trust in yourself and the universe?

- What examples of flowers & their live frequencies resonate with you?

- How does sacred geometry and structured h2O elevate your well-being?

- What does HOLY SHIT stand for and what does it mean for you?

#1 course investment is $1250 USD...

including life time course access & updates to modules, videos, PDF/e-book.

(the monthly online confidential Q&A Discussion Group is an additional option if this resonates and assists in your journey, $50/group discussion. registration is available in the course resource links)

Thank you for choosing to TranscenDance with me !

reDesigning Life | #2 online Course

Perspectives on BEEing - Spirituality & B-Complex Supplements

what you will receive...

* Perspectives on BEE-ing e-book & PDF (Sprituality & B-Complex)

* Edie's Education Style - Curriculum Q&A and inSight

* a reserved seat to the Live Monthly Three Question Q&A Group Discussion - optional purchase

* Access to Edie's curated Aligned Products for optimal ally support

what you will learn about...

the intelligence and consciousness of nature and nature’s vast ally capabilities in achieving optimal health & well-being, and simple daily solutions typically not focused on as the fundamental foundation - including but not limited to:

* the amazing benefits of methylated/bio-active b-complex supplementation and wheatgrass juice as a starting base.

* how & why b-complex vitamins, as a family, are imperative for stress management and optimal daily thriving.

* how new perspectives in Spirituality as Source assist in transcenDancing your own situations gracefully.

* how BEEs are a MASTRESS of GOOD VIBES for emotional mindfulness & spiritual brain HEALING!

(Interesting factoid... these easy and readily available daily living inclusions have long-standing evidenced based scientific study support and emperical data dating back to the 1950s)

what you will discover...

* successful advanced trauma-informed Recovery underpinnings

* Spirituality as Source - Ascending with the Heart and Energies of Nature

* Being well naturally - the B-Bees for stress relief and relaxation

* Good Vibes - Flowers, Trees, and Bees

* Wheatgrass Juice - Chlorophyll

#2 course curriculum...

is expressed in 3 complementary focus areas with learning objectives that open up new possibilities for your life

Focus 1 - Intro to my Life's Journey as Example & Inspiration in Healing Fully

the shitstorms are weathered and in dire cases, lifeboated beautifully in care of greater resources.

the primary Q&A answered objectively and authentically in how I thrive now from death 8 times over.

Focus 2 - Imperatives Supplements for Thriving in Recovery - B-Complex / Wheatgrass Juice / Bees

the healing power of the hexagon, the 8s, and applying common sense in owning one's wellness levels..

connecting with the sunshine of nature's energies that can support your life's journey with less stress.

Focus 3 - Spirituality & TranscenDancing Inherited Patterns with Nature's Energies

the best definition of Spirituality to date & how this Centering brings joy & a strong heartbeat in life.

explore how to cultivate your own multi-dimensional well-being in recovery and when recovered.

at the end of each module, you have the opportunity to answer questions for reflection.

Here are some examples of questions:

- What are some benefits of b-complex supplments, as a family, that you can use?

- How can you incorporate your daily common sense B-Bee-Wheatgrass routine in an effecient way?

- What examples of Spirituality resonate with you?

- How does sacred geometry, Bees, the 8s, and chlorophyll elevate your well-being?

- How can your recovery be enhanced with greater purpose from the help of the B-Bees-Wheatgrass allies?

#2 course investment is $750 USD...

including life time course access & updates to modules, videos, PDF/e-book.

(the monthly online confidential Q&A Discussion Group is an additional option if this resonates and assists in your journey, $50/group discussion. registration is available in the course resource links)

Thank you for choosing to Live Optimally with Less Stress !


The Magenta Papers

  • Tales of Life Lived in Harmony when The Tower Hits hard & one needs to find the key to the Other Side of that Brick Wall
  • a real-time Meditative Journey experience that teaches more about Navigating Life than a Doo-doo List
  • Finding this heirloom Rose Garden today guides U in sensing your destiny
  • a Magical & Awe-Inspiring ally in times of Transition & Newness
  • Read, reRead, Reflect, Hail Mary!

Storytelling as Remedy

The Magenta Papers | how a Rose Garden teaches us to BE


Rototilling your Shit

  • Tales of Life Lived Cavalierly thru the Seasons of Rototilling deep Repugnance into Rich Fertilizer
  • a real-time Meditative Journey experience that teaches us about Weight Loss, Relationships & ReNourishment
  • Discover why the amazing Conduits of Pristine Water & Living Flower Frequencies are 1st Go-2s when stuck
  • a keepsake Reference for understanding the multi-faceted Processes of our Finer Bodies & how Grace fits in
  • Read, reRead, Reflect, Hail Mary!

Storytelling as Remedy

Rototilling your Shit | cleansing at its best - a true story


meet EDIE B


  • creates for you everyday 365
  • links words, voice, visuals, doodles & tech
  • heals, inspires, & illuminates like lightening
  • observes humanity through many lenses
  • explores connections between nature, consciousness, heart as motherboard, audacity & the modern world
  • intrigues with the sacred & profane

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your email address is safe with us .we never share your information with anyone.

you can unsubscribe at any time.

* the art in well-being is for the sole purpose of entertainment, education, and insight only. content may be conveyed in an unfiltered, uncensored, comedic manner not suitable for some audiences (17+). when viewing the art in well-being, one assumes all responsibility and releases the art in well-being (a roseto della vita llc project) from all harm and liability.*